
Contents insurance SubsidenceEmber JD is a UK home insurance broker, established in 1919. Offering competitive quotes for Contents Insurance Subsidence. When you are looking for Contents Insurance for your home with a past subsidence history.

Contents Insurance Subsidence | Homes with past subsidence

Our Contents Insurance policy offers a wide scope of cover, with the option to include the full accidental damage extension and insurance for your personal possessions away from home, such as jewellery and watches, laptops and mobile phones. We offer a range of discounts, for policyholders aged 45 and over, high sums insured and voluntary excesses.

As you are looking for cover for your Contents Insurance only, we won’t need any supporting documents relating to the past subsidence. Afterall that is a matter for buildings insurers. We quote our best rates for contents insurance. With no loadings or premium penalties for subsidence claims made under a buildings policy.

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